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Now That You’re Gone, I Can Fly…

You see…
You’re never gonna defeat me
Cause baby…
I’m back to me now


I’ll be the first to admit… it’s been hard lately without Juivu.  Like I said in the last post, regardless of whether we were together or not, He was that one that was in my corner no matter what.  I could take things to Him, positive or negative, and He’d either be happy for me, or try to help me through the bad.  It was a nice thing… when you feel like you don’t always have someone else.

When my mother came over after Thanksgiving… and had a half hour breakdown in my grandma’s kitchen… because it was so hard having a holiday without them both.  I needed someone in my corner.

Here in a couple weeks, when we have to go through grandma’s birthday without her… I’m going to need someone in my corner.

So yeah… it’s been hard without Him.  But you know what… as hard as it’s been, SO many good things have happened since He released me.  I’m finally… free.  Free to be myself… free to pursue things without having to worry about whether or not my having other things to occupy my time (as opposed to sitting around and waiting to see if maybe He wants to spend time with me that day) will upset Him.  And in pursuing those things, opportunities have opened up in front of me.

I’m SO excited about some of them…

Peace On Earth hunt starts TOMORROW, and I’ve been blessed enough to help in its running this year.  For those who have been reading me for awhile, you remember how positively obsessed I was with Romance Couture’s gown that Eles did last year… with the stars and the dark blue and the pretty.  Gah!  This year, I am probably just as obsessed with Lyrical B!zarre’s gown.  I’m not a fan of flexi anything… but something about this dress makes me want to spin in circles like “Prettyyyyyyyy!”


First of all… and perhaps the most exciting for me… in 2015, I will start teaching dance again.  It’s a decision I’ve wrestled with for so long… with Rya looking less and less like she’ll ever be back in SL full time.  When I was originally asked if I’d teach her classes with Passionate Heart, I turned her down, every time.  I always said, “I don’t teach… my teacher teaches.”

But at the same time, there is a new generation of dancers in SL.  I want Rya’s words and her methods… that emphasizes the INDIVIDUALITY of a dancer and her FULL potential, rather than the cookie cutter version of some poorly written words out of a series of sci-fi novels… I want those things to touch this new generation.  I can’t sit back and watch her fall by the wayside.

But… as you can tell.. my views tend to be a bit more passionate and in-depth to deal with Beginners. *laughs*  So starting in 2015, I’ll be teaching Advanced Dance.  I’m SUPER excited.

Another amazing opportunity, is that I will start teaching a course with Regal, called Regal Polish.  A styling class… emphasizing your INNER style.  So few people in the fashion community today style what they truly connect to. With so many competitions nowadays, it feels like people in fashion are doing what people in dance used to do… they are styling for judges rather than styling for themselves.  They will walk around in things that don’t make them happy, simply to please other people.  And I’d REALLY like to see that stop…

There is one other huge opportunity at my door…. but all I can really say about it right now is WATCH THIS SPACE.  I’m SO looking forward to sharing more when it happens.


*~* Now That You’re Gone, I Can Fly… *~*

Shape: MINE
Skin: Ria (Natural Tone; Exclusive for The Big Show) – Aimi Skin
Eyes: Promise Eyes (Apex) – IKON
Hair: Beans (Hud 01) – Magika Hair
Hands: Avatar Enhancement Hands (Elegant) – Slink
Nailcolor Applier: Gift Polish – ZOZ  *Gift for POE7 Hunt*
Gown (wings incl.): Destiny – Lyrical B!zarre  *Gift for POE7 Hunt*
Eye Piercing: Cihuapilli Face Jewels Sidh Humble (Silver) – Soedara
Nosechain: Of the Plains (Silver) – Soedara
Hoop Earrings: Hoop Earrings Large (Silver) – Soedara

Poses: Various from Morphine (now closed)

Location: School of Gorean Dance/Dance Gardens of Gor

Blogging Tune: “Fly” – Protohype Ft. Alina Renae (Killabyte Remix)

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When You’ve Been Fighting For It All Your Life…

** For full resolution, non-blurry pictures, either see my Flickr or click on the individual picture.  I am working on getting the issue solved.  I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. **

She’s got lions in her heart, a fire in her soul
He’s got a beast in His belly that’s so hard to control
Cause they’ve taken too much hits, taking blow by blow
Now light a match, stand back, watch them explode


I originally had a completely different song in mind for this post.  But someone posted this song on Facebook, and it made me change my mind.  Especially given the rather special person that this post is directed towards.  ❤

I also find it incredibly ironic that last night He was ‘giving me shit’ (jokingly, of course) that I had apparently never written a post about Him.  Though, to be fair, I’ve included Juivu and Jules in a few posts since I came into their collar… including the night we roleplayed dinner instead of raiding.  But, He was in fact, correct, that I had not yet before devoted a full post to Him.

Of course, that mostly comes from not knowing what all I can say… without rambling on too long and making no sense to Him or anyone else.  It’s hard to really put stuff like this into words.  (Of course, it could also be the meds.)

Well, I guess I should start at the beginning.

Juivu has this way of worming His way into your life in a way that you don’t exactly expect.  Hell, I didn’t really know Him that well at all when we first sat down and had a conversation, because I’d snapped at Him a bit with some dumb comment He made.  I was unowned at the time, and that’s sort of a state of being that’s hard for me to be in.  I was working on a couple things that were important to me… my dance for Design N Dance… my clothing designs for Rock Your Rack… just a couple projects that were big and meaningful to me, and sometimes it was hard to feel like someone was in my corner.  Without an Owner, you’re pretty much relying on friends… who all have their own stuff to tend to.  It was really easy to feel alone.

From that night, He promised that I could always come to Him.  That if I ever needed someone there for me, He would be.  It was a nice feeling… to know that someone would be there for me.

Then I got sick… and soon after that, my grandmother passed away… and so I was gone for a couple weeks.  When I came back, I was crushed.  I didn’t feel like I was gone very long… and all these things He’d said to be about what He wanted… seemed to go out the window.  He’d collared a slave while I was gone.  Which made it awkward for me… I didn’t feel like it was my place to try and take up any of His time, when He had Jules (His amazing Free Companion) as well as a slave of His own.

So I was back to feeling alone.


I don’t let people in that easily… especially after something like that.  I felt sorta like everything He’d said was simply what He thought I wanted to hear, to try and get something He wanted.  I viewed Him like everyone else that had come into my life and left destruction in their wake.

Then I made a bad decision.  I mean, don’t get me wrong… the bad decision I’m speaking of was with a decent enough person… however, this person has the emotional maturity of a rotten log… and I allowed myself to become a ‘flavor of the moment’ for Him, all while thinking it was more.

When that inevitably blew up in my face, it was time to see if Juivu really meant what He said about being there.  I turned to Him as my friend first… that constant in my corner that He promised to always be, and ya know what… He was there.  He was there through a lot of shit in my RL before that… stuff I’m not really so keen on talking about here.  But in all that, Juivu was there.  And in this, Juivu was there.  He proved to be consistent, and a Man of His word.

Something I hadn’t encountered in quite some time.

And you know what… when I submitted to Him, it wasn’t perfect.  In fact, the first time we tried, it was hell… for both of us.  We both had our own shit, we both fucked up, and we both let it blow up.  I didn’t see how bad it was until it was too late… and it was over almost as soon as it started.  That didn’t feel right to me.  It didn’t feel like it should end like that.

I got really drunk on my dad’s birthday.  Really drunk.  Like… I don’t drink… and I got drunk off my ass.  I don’t remember much of that night… but I log my conversations.  I went back the next day… Juivu and I had fought… we’d fought hard.  And I just let go.  I let loose every negative thing I had been feeling up to that point… but ironically enough… the next day… instead of feeling horrified… I felt relieved.  Was I sorry for what I said?  No.  The WAY I said it, yes… but the content of what I said… no.  It needed said.  And from there… I don’t know… we just moved forward.

I submitted to Him again… and it just feels… different… this time.  I no longer harbor some of those things… those questions, those insecurities.  Do insecurities still exist?  Yes.  They do.  It will never be perfect.  But I think if it were perfect, it wouldn’t be us.

My place is with Him.  At His feet, by His side… wherever it is that He feels I should be in that moment… is where I want to be.  It’s complicated to explain… because it’s not a feeling I’ve really felt in quite some time… it’s something I THOUGHT I’d felt before.  But you know like… ok, time for one of my stupid analogies.  Imagine you’ve gone your entire life being told that Chicken flavored Ramen noodles was “Chicken Noodle Soup”… and then one day you visit a friend or you sit down with family and have REAL, homemade chicken noodle soup.  That’s how this feels… like there are things I feel with Him that I thought I’d felt before… that I never knew could be this intense until finding His collar.

Our journey hasn’t been the easiest… it hasn’t been the prettiest… nor the most perfect.  I’m not the greatest slave out there to Own, just like He probably isn’t the easiest Master to try and follow.  However, if the journey had been easy, it wouldn’t have been worth it. If it had been pretty, it probably wouldn’t have been as appealing.  And if it had been perfect, it would’ve been boring.  I like our journey just how it is, and how it will continue to be.

I like us.  ❤


*~* When You’ve Been Fighting For It All Your Life *~*

Shape: MINE
Skin: Artemis (Asia Tone; Makeup Option 04) – Glam Affair
Eyes: Luminous Mesh Eyes (Dusky Hazel) – Mayfly
Hair: Mystic (Monotone Pack) – Ploom  @ FGC
Hands: Avatar Enhancement Hands (Elegant) – Slink
Feet: Avatar Enhancement Feet (High) – Slink
Nailcolor Applier: Dark Set (Black) – Nailed It
Undereye Shadow: Ere Makeup (Red) – Nuuna
Eyeliner: Amante Smudge Eyeliner (Midnight) – Beautiful Deluxe
Brand (left thigh): J Brand – G.Fleury Designs
Top: Zoey Top (Red; RARE) – Noodles  @ FGC
Skirt: Zoey Skirt (Red; RARE) – Noodles  @ FGC
Face Band: Abandoned (Asian Desire; EPIC) – KioKio  (past FGC item)
Nose Ring: Cihuapilli Nose Piercing (Black) – Soedara
Necklace: Zoey Necklace – Noodles  @ FGC
Armband: Zoey Armband – Noodles  @ FGC
Bracelets: Zoey Bracelets – Noodles  @ FGC
* all Noodles pieces changed with the Metal Change HUD ULTRA RARE
Leg Pouch: Leg Pouch (Black) – The Forge  (in-store gacha)
Blowgun: Kuraro Blowgun – LR Weapons
Shield: Aztec Shield (Asian; EPIC) – KioKio  @ FGC
Staff: Staff of Damascus (Midnight; tint HUD included) – EZ Weaponry
Boomerang (Wings): Arya Boomerang (Metallic) – EZ Weaponry

Poses: various from the “Haute” set – Katink

Location: School of Gorean Dance/Dance Gardens of Gor

Blogging Tune: “Superheroes” – The Script

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Waiting For Superman To Pick Her Up…

** For full resolution pictures, either see my Flickr or click on the individual picture.  I am working on getting the issue solved.  I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. **

She’s talking to angels, counting the stars
Making a wish on a passing car
She’s dancing with strangers, falling apart


I took these pictures days ago… I’ve just not had something I really wanted to write about.  The sim is being rebuilt, and I’ve been hanging out a lot with Juivu while He’s been doing the build, so I don’t have many exciting Gor stories to tell.

However, I now have a couple things to write about.  And I feel they’re both important.

I feel like I’ve been in Gor forever.  It’s been a part of my life off and on since I first found SL back in 2008.  I started out in some southern training academy… because a friend of mine brought me a guy and said, “I think He’d be perfect for you… the only problem is, He’s in Gor…” and I had no idea what that was.  So I sought out somewhere to be taught.  He collared me while I was training, and we lived as Master and slave for about a year and a half or so?  He’s still on my friend’s list… my first Gorean Master.

But I was never really happy in the South.  Perhaps it may come as a shock to you, but impeccable manners and perfection just aren’t my things.  I’m spirited, and I make no apology for it.  I value my personality.  And so I wandered my way North, to a By the Book sim called Tyr’s Fist.  I LOVED it there.  Paragraph roleplayers… and I adored the Northern way of things.  Jarls prefer their bonds with spirit in them… and fire.  Individuality was embraced a bit more in the North, so long as you still knew your role as a slave.

But I got hurt there… and left… became a panther, and was captured by an Outlaw in a land called Clearchus.  The first thing He told me… “If you run, I will kill you.”  So a week or so later, when I ran away… heh… I remembered one of the rules in their lands was that they would not fight nor roleplay with groups that allowed female fighters.

So what did I do?  I sought a group that allowed female fighters, so He couldn’t find and kill me!  That was how I discovered Gor Evolved.  And it’s where I’ve roleplayed ever since, in a few camps.

I was apart of the Attacotti (yeah… I know… pasta pirates…)  I even had the misfortune of serving as the camp’s first girl for awhile.  I had a very brief stint in Brethren (like, a few days) with some family of mine in RP… that didn’t last long, I hated it there.  I hung around the Unknowns for a week or so before my last major hiatus from Gor… so Attacotti was really the only group of substance I was in in GE before I left.

When I came back… I was in DSO for a matter of 3 days before Chance stole me from there and collared me, bringing me to Unknowns.  I adored it there, honestly… They gain a bad reputation from others, mostly because of people like Ezio and Xander and some of the others… but as a whole, the group is amazing… or it was when I was there.  The turnover rate is kinda high… so they could be worse now… I’m not sure.  When Chance’s companion Kayla became a psychotic bitch whose entire life goal seemed to be to stalk us to the point that it pushed one of us over the edge… I left.  But in RP, I was technically still in Unks.

That is when I found Dakota and Ashes.

I’ve told this story before I think, so long story short, I ran away from Unknowns and found Vydarr.

With all the places I’ve ended up in Gor… all the people I’ve interacted with, either in brief encounters in dance competitions or in prolonged arrangements in roleplay… I’ve never met a group of people quite like those in Vydarr.  A group of people that I actually feel at home with.  That feels like a family more times than not.

Sure, like any group, they have problem children… and they have issues, they have bad days.  But what makes them different is that people don’t just give up on the group and what it stands for.  They don’t give up on the people.  And you can try to badmouth them all you want to… but the fact remains that Vydarr is still here.  The core of who they are is still here.  And it’s not going anywhere.


The other important thing I wanted to write about… several posts ago, I wrote about a woman I’d met named Taela, whom I believed had obtained a negative reputation that may not have been the most warranted.  I mean, all I can do is judge based on my own experiences, and I happen to think Tae is pretty awesome.

There’s another person in Vydarr I’d like to talk to you about.  And that is our beloved Karirah! (Kaalila).

I sorta met Kaalila as “Riddik and Kaalila”, and she was quiet for the most part… until one night we were raiding Immortals… and someone accused Karalee of cheating… quick-switching him or something… I really don’t remember.  It was towards the beginning of my time in Vydarr.  There was a whole group of us waiting on the mod call… which was a clusterfuck in and of itself.  We brought Taj in as a neutral third party mod… at the time, Taj was a part of Inveteratus… and the raid was between Immortals and Vydarr.  So the neutral mod made sense.  As the situation was being explained to Taj, Immortals completely ignored that we had a mod present, tp’d in one of their own sim mods, and proceeded to tell us this person would be modding.  Like Taj wasn’t even there.

In the middle of that clusterfuck, it was like we had to speak to the Immortal mod like a two-year-old… because they didn’t seem to understand what we were saying when we explained the situation several times… we offered Karalee’s logs (I think it was Karalee whom was accused of cheating… if not, I’m sorry… again, it’s been awhile… lol) that showed it wasn’t quick-switching… and we even offered a screenshot to confirm the logs were legit.  The whole thing wouldn’t be such a big deal, but we were taking a captive and Immortals were bitching that we couldn’t because the raid was invalid because of said cheating.  The person who claimed to be a victim of the cheating (who wasn’t even the one being taken) is the one who called the mod.

Either way… I got fed up… and made some comment about coming to Gor for Gor, not coming for disney bullshit with children, and left.  I’d read the comment aloud in Team Speak, and at that moment, Kaalila sent me a friend request.  It was like I earned it with my loyalty to Vydarr.  Lol.  I’m sure it wasn’t that.  I was still new to the group, so I hadn’t added everyone yet.  But it was still funny timing.

And from that point on, I got to sit by and watch just how hard this woman works to keep things together, she and Riddik both.  Keeping level heads when other Owners, Officers, and general members are ready to rage quit.  These are the ones who handle situations most often in the most appropriate manner.  To watch them work and to watch them remain as neutral as possible is astounding.  To watch them remain calm and polite, even when they want to rage is admirable.  These are the two members of Vydarr (aside from Juivu, my Owner), that I’ve looked up to the most.

And Kaalila sorta wormed her way into my heart in a special way the night she came to me about a particular person attempting to rejoin the group.  She told me the officers were voting that night, but she’d heard I may have a problem with that person, and she came to ask my side.  She cared enough to talk to me about it, and as a fellow woman, she understood.  It was nice to be able to explain myself and not feel like an idiot.  I don’t think she knows how much her caring touched me that night… and how much I’ve positively adored her since then.

I hope she does now.
And I hope she sees how much her and Riddik mean to me… and to Vydarr.
And how much Vydarr means to me.

I’m sure I’m not the only one.  ❤


*~* Waiting For Superman To Pick Her Up *~*

Shape: MINE
Skin: Cleo (America Tone; Clean Version) – Glam Affair
Eyes: Luminous Mesh Eyes (Dusky Hazel) – Mayfly
Hair: The Mir Hair (Lipstick) – Olive  @ FGC
Hands: Avatar Enhancement Hands (Elegant) – Slink
Nailcolor Applier: Mvw Autumn Nights Set – Nailed It
Full Face Makeup: Modern Geisha – Madrid Solo  **recent release**
Top: Aura Top (White; RARE) – Muka  @ FGC
Skirt: Aura Skirt (White; RARE) – Muka  @ FGC
Head Jewel: Kenna (Gold/White) – Keystone  @ We ❤ RP
Collar: Luma’cam Collar (Gold; Rare) – A Master’s Eye  @ FGC
Shoulder Pads: Aura Shoulder Pads (White; RARE) – Muka  @ FGC
Bracers: Aura Bracers (White; RARE) – Muka  @ FGC
Boomerang (Wings): Arya Boomerang (Metallic) – EZ Weaponry
Staff: Staff of Damascus (Lunar) – EZ Weaponry

Poses: from Roxeanne Set 1 & 2 – Katink

Location: School of Gorean Dance/Dance Gardens of Gor

Blogging Tune: “Waiting For Superman” – Daughtry

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An Open Umbrella On A Patio…

Don’t wanna wait til the sun’s sinkin’
We could be feelin’ it all night
I know You know what I’m thinkin’
Why don’t we do a little day drinkin’


I apologize in advance to anyone in and out of Gor who runs into me tomorrow.  I will be drinking.  Heavily.

I thoroughly appreciate the irony that while my father was the most cynical and non-political person I know, His birthday falls on election day every year, at least for local elections.

Of course, that also means that I’ve been bombarded for the last month with signs and ad campaigns reminding me about how important November 4th is.  Yeah, it’s important… but unfortunately, not for the reasons the media keeps telling me about.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for the political process.  I’ve just not lived in my town long enough to be able to make an informed vote.  So I am choosing to not vote tomorrow.

Not to mention the fact that I’d simply like to crawl in a hole until November 5th.

I called my mother over to the house today and I asked her, “How do you do it?”  She looked at me like I was crazy… and I proceeded to explain.

“Someone from the Sherrif’s Association called the house today, asking for grandpa.  I had to let them know he’d passed away, and they proceeded to try and sell their cause to me, rallying for last minute votes before the polls tomorrow… and that made me think about what day tomorrow is, so I just wanna know how to get through it.  Because right now I just want to crawl in a hole and do nothing until November 5th so I don’t have to worry about it again until August.  So I need you to either tell me it’s ok to hide in a hole tomorrow and not do anything, or I need you to tell me how to not feel this way because I feel like I’m slowly driving myself insane.”

She proceeded to hug the crap out of me for at least 10 minutes.


My dad and I weren’t really close when He died.  Ok… so that might be an understatement.

I know I’ve mentioned some of this stuff on this blog before… but as His birthday approaches (or is technically here, since it’s 1:30am for me) it’s just stuff that comes back to the forefront of my mind.

We weren’t very close when He died.  When things were getting worse, the friend that he was living with asked him for important phone numbers… in case anything happened to him.  Dad told him, “I don’t have any.”  When the friend specifically asked about me, dad’s reply was, “She wouldn’t give a shit.”

That was the last thought my father had about me.  That I wouldn’t give a shit.

And you know… I guess he had every reason to believe that.  We didn’t talk very often.  I had just… grown so sick of being the only one making an effort.  It’s a father-daughter relationship for a reason… we’re both supposed to make the effort, we’re both supposed to work on it.  And I was the only one reaching out to him.  I was the one calling, I was the one leading the conversation.  Every time I asked how he was doing, I’d get the same answer: “Same old, same old, nothing new.”  I’d end up feeling like I was forcing the conversation, until I finally gave up and ended the call.

This is how it went every time.

Little did I know this “same old same old” crap was a lie.  I don’t think stints in your heart is “same old, same old”.  I don’t think going to the hospital twice in the last 6 months of his life for a collapsed lung is “same old, same old”.  I don’t think “Oh, by the way, I’m dying” is “same old, same old”.

He put His physical therapist as his emergency contact any time he was admitted to the hospital.
They didn’t call me until the day after he’d died, when he’d been in the hospital for a week prior.
It took them that long to find my phone number.

And the only reason they found it?  The friend he was living with just HAPPENED to be related to the mother of my supervisor at my job at the time.  If not for that, who honestly knows if they would’ve ever found me.

So when I approach his birthday… only the second time I’ve had to do this since he died… I still don’t know what to do.  I’m still just as lost as I was when he died.  I’m still just as sad.  I’m still just as empty.

And I’m still just as pissed off.

So I guess this is why I’m so concerned about the health and well being of other people… most specifically, lately, Men.  To the Men out there… you have daughters… and if you don’t have daughters I can almost guarantee you that SOMEONE in your life looks up to you.  Those that look up to you aren’t ready to lose you yet.  I wasn’t ready to lose my dad.  I’m still not ready to accept that I already did.  But don’t let that daughter or that person that looks up to you have to live without you for longer than they should.

Kellan (Kelika Dubrovna) and a few others are organizing a multi-faceted event in the City of Vigo on Sunday, November 9th called MOvember.  There will be a calendar of Gorean Masters sold, kissing booths, dances… several ways to donate to the American Cancer Society for the cause of Testicular and Prostate Cancer awareness.  Currently, there is an auction going on for several handsome Masters that ends on the 9th as well.  The SLURL to the auction boards and where the event will be located is below in the credits.  (When you land at the landing point, descend the stairs to the teleport pad and find the “MOvember” destination.)


*~* An Open Umbrella On A Patio *~*

Shape: MINE
Skin: Rose (India tone; Clean version) – Glam Affair  *recent release*
Eyes: Luminous Mesh Eyes (Dusky Hazel) – Mayfly
Hair: Warrior (Brunettes) – Spellbound  * shadows&highlights enhanced*
Hands: Avatar Enhancement Hands (Elegant) – Slink
Feet: Avatar Enhancement Feet (High) – Slink
Nailcolor Applier (hands&feet): Dark Set (Forest) – Nailed It
Undereye Shadow: Ere Makeup (Green) – Nuuna
Top: Women Ranger Jacket (color 1) – gO  @ FGC
Skirt: Women Ranger Skirt (color 1) – gO  @ FGC
Arm Warmers: Women Ranger Mittens (color 1) – gO  @ FGC
Collar: Luma’cam Collar (Gold; RARE) – A Master’s Eye  @ FGC
Shield: Aztec Shield (Winter) – KioKio  @ FGC
Boomerang (wings): Arya Boomerang – EZ Weaponry
Staff: Oberon Staff – LR Weapons

Poses: Various from Morphine (now closed)

Location: City of Vigo (MOvember Event Platform)

Blogging Tune: “Day Drinking” – Little Big Town

Posted in Uncategorized

It’s Not Me You’ll Save…

Dig my shallow grave
It’s not me You’ll save
Cause I’m a lost cause


I give up on why things look blurry in the post.  I have yet to figure it out, and I’ve spent far too much time trying to get it to work correctly.  If you left click the picture and see the individual picture itself, you’ll get its full quality.  That’s all I really know what to say right now.  I give up on trying to fix it otherwise.  Lol.

Meanwhile, Fantasy Gacha Carnival opens AT MIDNIGHT SLT… and holy crap… the star of the show so far, for me, is Zenith.  The whole set is positively gorgeous, so I tried to showcase as many of the pieces as I could, while pairing it with a few other things, from the gacha, or new/recent releases that I just adore.

Since being added to the Luas blogger pool, I find myself completely in awe at the quality of the designs Ainara is putting out.  I’ve been a long-time Luas lover, from back in the days before mesh… between Luas, May’s Soul, and Junbug, the prim work and patterning were enough that I fell in love… and all three of them were very reasonably priced for the quality of work they do.  And with the development of mesh, it just keeps getting better.  Luas is a STEAL for what she charges for the quality she produces.  There are a couple small pieces from her Fantasy Gacha carnival set in this post as well.


So how about another story from Gor!  Lol.  This one… you HAVE to hear…

I think we’ve established in Gor, there’s different sims… cities, towns, villages, camps, etc.  Just like in other rp, there’s different sims that are supposed to represent different cities.  In Gor, though, there’s a ton of sim interaction, mostly in the form of raids.  (I believe I’ve explained this before, for non-Gorean readers.. but I just wanted to make sure I’d clarified before jumping into this particular tale.)

I live in the camp called Vydarr Vanguards.  I love it here.  And situations like this, with how hilarious the people are that live here as well… this is why I love it here so much.  The people.

A small raiding party from our camp went and raided a camp named Devil’s Cove.  Originally, I was supposed to get a captive from there, and I was a little bummed that my request was not only forgotten about, but ignored when it was reminded.  HOWEVER, when I saw the captive they brought back, I was immediately grateful.  See, they brought back Red Tall Oak.  For those that don’t know… Red Tall Oak is the Companion (yes, I said Companion) of Exotica… and those that used to read my dance blog remember Exotica and her multi-year grudge she’s held for a “dance” of hers that I completely disliked, and blogged about, along with every other dance from that competition.  Ever since that particular blog entry, at least 2 years ago I think, she has had this incredible hatred of me… for disliking her style of “dance”.  Sex personally isn’t my dance style.  I’m sorry.  It’s just not.  That doesn’t make it wrong for her.  It just doesn’t make it right for me.

While dancing as a slave who does some of the raunchiest “dances” in Gor, she has taken to roleplaying a Free Woman in GE.  To each their own.  I’m cool with that… to a degree.  However, once I saw that we had her Companion/Partner captive, I knew it was going to be interesting.

Now, I wasn’t involved in the roleplay, so I don’t know what happened.  All I know is the one emote that was shown to us.  She had stripped Him (to remove His weapons and be sure He didn’t have any hidden ones… it’s kinda standard), and was worried He was going to have a non-color-matched freebie penis.  People in group chat joked about how she probably aroused Him, and she showed an emote where He was giving her permission to shed her weapons and change into silks to display herself for Him.

Clearly He was enjoying Himself in the roleplay.

Now, fast forward an hour to the rescue time.  (Standard cap time is 60 minutes of roleplay, then your group can come rescue you.)  Devil’s Cove didn’t have enough numbers for a rescue against our defenders, and so Exotica tp’d in with one other person, and then walked into the middle of the camp by herself to roleplay with Alex (one of our Raid Leaders) for a trade for Red.

I had a captive from Dagrhold at this time, and His rescue time was up.  His group was going to try to do a combined rescue, but Exotica just couldn’t wait and walked in anyway.  Alex is in Team Speak like, “I hope you all know that if that other group comes in, I’m downing this bitch and going to fight.  I don’t care if I’m in a 5 hour roleplay with her.  I’d downing her ass.”  We laughed and He went on, “What did she expect?  She walked into a camp by herself and left the other dude on the dock.”

Now, because our Free are reasonable, the bond that’s rp’ing with Red brings him up from the longhall, dressed in pants, and starts dragging Him to the docks.

This is where it gets weird… and hilarious (to me).

The moment Red is brought to the docks Exotica makes the comment… I couldn’t make this up if I tried… “Nice pants.  You didn’t leave home in those.”  PULLS HER AXE AND PROCEEDS TO ATTACK HIM.  Her own Companion.  Alex sorta stands back, and doesn’t swing on her until Exotica then starts attacking our bond… then He downs her.  I finally lag my ass to the commotion at that point and Red starts self-unbinding.  I didn’t see the required three lines, however I don’t remember if I was in chat range or not.  Though that’s pretty irrelevant, considering what happened next.

So I’m over there bandaging the bondmaid, cause we have that Dagrhold rescue coming in soon and I didn’t know if she’d be able to reset her meter or not… and all of a sudden Exotica bubble kills herself, committing suicide, and tp’s out.  As soon as Red is done unbinding, He tp’s out as well.

Like…. really?  What just happened?

I was… needless to say… HEAVILY amused.  Sometimes people take Gor a little too seriously.


*~* It’s Not Me You’ll Save *~*

Shape: MINE
Skin: Rose (India Tone; Clean version) – Glam Affair  *recent release*
Eyes: Luminous Mesh Eyes (Dusky Hazel) – Mayfly
Hair: Neria (Browns) – Truth Hair  *recent release*
Hands: Avatar Enhancement Hands (Elegant) – Slink
Nailcolor Applier (Hands): Animal Print Silver Polish – ZOZ
Undereye Shadow: Ere Makeup (Orange) – Nuuna
Facepaint: Taj (White) – Nuuna
Breast Covers: Druid Leather Breastplate – Zenith  @ FGC
Torso Cover: Druid Leather Girdle – Zenith  @ FGC
* The key shows this pretty clearly, but the girdle DOES NOT come with something that covers your breasts… so Free Women please make sure you get the breastplate as well, or have something to cover yourselves.
Skirt: Druid Long Dress – Zenith  @ FGC
Headpiece: Orianna Crown (Golden) – Luas  @ FGC
Shoulder Pads: Druid Leather Shoulder Pads – Zenith  @ FGC
Upper Arm Pauldrons: Orianna Bracer Up – Luas  @ FGC
Bracers: Druid Leather Bracelets – Zenith  @ FGC
Staff: Oberon Staff – LR Weapons

Poses: Various from Morphine (now closed)

Location: School of Gorean Dance/Dance Gardens of Gor

Blogging Tune: “Lost Cause” – Imagine Dragons