About/Review Policy

Last Updated: 12/01/2018

Antisocial Darwinism – formerly called “Alexithymia” – originally called “Confessions of a First-Time Pageant Model” – is a female fashion/beauty/accessory blog that focuses on the female avatar in Second Life.

(Though, at times, within the last year, Male fashion for Signature Gianni have been showcased.)

Harmony Havana Rain (Tiviyah Resident) is the sole author and the only avatar associated with this blog.  Any other avatar claiming to be associated with Antisocial Darwinism is misrepresenting themselves and the blog, and I would advise you to let me (Tiviyah) know immediately so that something can be done.

RL will always come first for me (Tiviyah), as I’m sure you all can understand.  Because of this, I have outlined the following review policy for this blog, to take effect April 2017, and into the foreseeable future.

  • Unsolicited Review Copies: (This is defined as review copies sent to me by someone other than a designer I have a pre-defined relationship/partnership with.)
    • First of all, thank you!  I am humbled that you like my work enough to send me something that you would like me to consider reviewing.  Please understand my first priority is RL, and my second priority is pre-existing Partnerships I have with Designers… because of this, I cannot guarantee that a copy you send to me will be reviewed or used in Antisocial Darwinism (this blog).  Please do not take offense to this.  I want to show everyone’s creation in the best possible light I can.  If it’s not my personal style, I would be afraid to not showcase it as well as your hard work deserves.  ♥
  • Applications WITHOUT Defined Posting Guidelines: (These are blogger applications that I personally fill out, that do NOT define a minimum number of posts per month ON the application.)
    • Recently, I have been subject to applications that do not have a defined minimum number of posts in the application, but once a blogger is accepted, an astronomical number is placed in the expectations, that was not agreed to beforehand.  I personally feel this is unfair to the blogger.  That said, to protect myself, my work, my blog, and to take into account the hard work of OTHER designer partnerships that I have, if I am accepted to a blogger group and your application did not define posting guidelines ahead of time: **I will only be posting as often as the items fit my personal style and fit into my posting schedule.  I will not acknowledge minimums posed on me AFTER the fact.**
  • Rule Changes After Acceptance: (These are changes to the blogger rules, but bloggers are not informed or asked to re-agree to the new expectations.)
    • It is understandable that at times, Designers will desire to change the expectations placed on their bloggers for how many posts are expected from them.  For example, a Designer may not have been releasing very frequently, and so they expected a lower number of posts, but now that they are more active in events and mainstore releases, they may be wanting to expect more.  How this blog handles rule changes is: If I re-apply and accept your new rules, then you can take it as an obvious agreement to abide by these new rules.  However, if you do not require older bloggers to re-apply, and accept your new rules **I will continue to follow the rules I was originally accepted under.**  This is, as has been a theme throughout this review policy, to protect myself, my work, my blog, and to respect the hard work of OTHER designer partnerships that I have.
  • New Applications With Defined Posting Guidelines: (These are blogger applications that I personally fill out, that define a minimum number of posts per month ON the application.)
    • If I am filling out this application, I am agreeing to this minimum number that you have defined, and I will be held to that minimum.  I am agreeing to communicate with you and/or your blogger manager if a time comes when I cannot fulfill this minimum.

This Review Policy is non-negotiable, and is put in place to protect myself as well as others that I work with.  If you as a Designer do not agree to how I would handle your particular situation within your blogger team, I fully understand and accept that I may not be the best fit for your team.  Otherwise, acceptance into your Blogger Team implies agreement with how I will handle my position within your team, as defined by how your application was set up when I filled it out.

Thank you for your time and understanding!  ♥